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Rare Earth Bead & Crystal Shop

Blue Amber Hearts

Blue Amber Hearts

Regular price $8.95 USD
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Blue Amber is a rare variety of amber that appears blue in certain lighting conditions due to fluorescence. The most notable deposits of Blue Amber come from the Dominican Republic.

Amber, in general, is fossilized tree resin, and it's appreciated for its color and natural beauty. Blue Amber is particularly sought after because of its rarity and the unique blue glow it emits under UV light.

In terms of healing properties, Blue Amber shares similar properties with regular amber, with some additional unique attributes.

1. **Physical healing:** Some believe that Blue Amber can relieve headaches and reduce pain in the throat and neck. It's also said to be beneficial for the digestive system, the heart, the brain, and the immune system.

2. **Emotional healing:** Blue Amber is associated with promoting a positive mood and helping to alleviate depression. It's believed to promote a sense of calm and can be used for stress relief.

3. **Spiritual healing:** Blue Amber is often associated with enhanced intuition and is said to be a powerful tool for shamans in their spiritual journeys.

4. **Additional properties:** Due to its blue color, some practitioners associate it with the throat chakra, suggesting it can aid in communication and self-expression.

Solar Plexus Chakra 


Healing Depression, Balances Emotions 

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