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Rare Earth Bead & Crystal Shop

Aura Quartz Sphere

Aura Quartz Sphere

Regular price $32.95 USD
Regular price Sale price $32.95 USD
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Confident + Happiness + Meditation

Crown Chakra 

Aura Quartz is a remarkable crystal known for its ability to bring inner peace, positive energy, and a profound awakening to the higher self. It serves as a powerful tool in enhancing meditation practices, allowing individuals to delve into a deep state of tranquility and connection with their spiritual essence. 

Aura Quartz emanates high vibrations that promote feelings of peace, joy, and happiness. Its energy uplifts the spirit, creating a harmonious atmosphere that nurtures the soul and encourages a positive outlook on life. 

 Whether used in meditation, carried as a talisman, or incorporated into healing practices, Aura Quartz has the power to transform and elevate one's spiritual journey. Its radiant energy serves as a constant reminder to embrace the beauty within, embrace the journey towards self-realization, and embrace the abundant blessings that life has to offer.

Aura Quartz is a remarkable crystal that embodies the essence of inner peace, positive energy, and spiritual awakening. Its iridescent beauty, coupled with its high vibrations, makes it an invaluable companion for those seeking to explore their higher self and live a life filled with joy, harmony, and fulfillment.

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